Allo everyone,

I am in a pre-Christmas crunch at the office. As many of you know I am in sales. Christmas raises and bonuses for the entire staff depend upon the sales we bring in.

The other reps have hit a wall and I seem to be the only one with business opening up left and right. The down side is that I am called upon to work evenings and week-ends. So I won't be able to check in too often.

I will still be handling the Wordapalooza yearbook stuff, (tsuwm send me your survey, it won't hurt to fill it out, promise), and the scrounging of materials.

I am still answering e-mails. Those are very fast, I can usually send eight or nine e-mails in the time it takes to load up one thread, let alone make a post.

So, I have not left the Board, I am only away for a bit.

Salut, have a great week.

À la prochaine!