I'm pretty sure that after two weeks the damn cat was dead if'n it hadn't been fed.

All these arguments make me think of little kiddies. When they are scared they hide under the covers believing that if they don't see the monsters, the monsters don't see them (oh and of Douglas Adams and the need for a towel)

"If you don't see inside the box you can't know the cat is in there." Well, brainiacs, you put the cat inside so, duh, there is one pissed-off kitty in there all right. Whether or not the cat is toast well, you'll just find that out soon enough when it starts to smell now won't you.

Oh, and the light IS off when you close the refrigerator door whether you look at it or not. No, you CAN NOT blame that smell on the dog, mister. YES girls talk about you when they go to the bathroom in packs. SOMETIMES women fake it. Sometimes guys do TOO. Size DOES matter. Skill matters MORE thank you very much.

Have we solved enough mysteries for the week. Arghhhh.

[Going to bed to hide under pillow to get away from all this physics stuff emoticon]