The German news magazine, Der Spiegel reports Swiss scientists expect to be able to produce black holes domestically at the rate of one per second by the year 2006. The below link is to the German article.,1518,160458,00.html

The article actually says the projected date of readiness is April 1, 2006. It is possible, then, that this is a 6-month April Fool's joke, though I don't remember them celebrating that there.

As long as we're here, the below link to the same magazine shows a photo of a giant squid and a bunch of scientists.,1518,PB64-aW1naWQ9ODY2NTktYXJ0aWQ9MTU5OTk0LWNoYW5uZWw9d2lzc2Vuc2NoYWZ0,00.html

And this one an interesting and beautiful lateral view of a spiral galaxy,1518,PB64-aW1naWQ9MTIyOTA2LWFydGlkPTE0ODQzNS1jaGFubmVsPXdpc3NlbnNjaGFmdA_3_3,00.html