Good point, Alex. Checkmate is a loss for the checkmated player; a stalemate counts as a drawn game. (The exact definition of "stalemate" is the situation where the player on-move is not in check but have has legal move, as every otherwise-legal move would violate the rule that you may not expose your king to immediate capture. A player with a weaker position often strives to avoid a loss by forcing a stalemate, or by the threat of a stalemate.)

The definition of zugzwang ["A position where one is forced to make an undesirable move."] is also inaccurate. Under that definition, zugzwang would include the perfectly ordinary situation where, in order to deal with a greater threat, you must make a lesser weakening in your position. This is mistaken: zugswang is the rare situation where although your position is perfectly tenable as it stands (that is, you would have no qualms if it were your opponent's turn to move), it is your turn to move and every available move would worsen your position.