Isn't kechup a phonetic of the original (tomato) catsup?
Now....where do we go with that?

As for chuney, I prefer Major Grey's Chutney. Wasn't there a real Major Grey ... a sorta' Brit version of Colonel Sanders ... who served in India and introduced bottled chutney into the commercial market in England ?
My Indian friend tells me there are many home recipes for chutney, varying with the region of India one is in.

And wasn't Caesar salad "invented" by Caesar Ritz the chef-hotelier? As were a bunch of othe dishes that are "a la Ritz?"

There! getting back to the named-for thread very neatly I thought!

Oops ...
And what about Ritz crackers. Argggh!

just keepin' the pot on the boil, folks!