Mentioned 6 months ago that I was considering clever number plates (pl8s) for an old car I'd had restored - am still going on this project!

We have up to 9 alphanumeric characters to play with in West Oz - and I was pleased to note this morning that WHALE OIL would fit. Whilst making the majority of the population scowl, it'd be sure to get a few giggles from those in the know (it's an oldie but a goodie).....

(still wondering? - see below)

WHALE OIL BEEF HOOKED (say it fairly fast with an Irish accent and run the last two words together).

Other phrases of this nature that've tickled me over the years are "mastodon" for "must have done". (As in COMMENT: "The neighbours must have bought a new car" REPLY: "Mastodon")

Or: "Bucket of firewood" for "Buggered if I would" (as in COMMENT: "I'm thinking of getting my ear pierced" REPLY: "Bucket of firewood!"
