I got those fancy hearing aids that let me hear the sounds as if I had two good ears

I didn't know those existed. Actually, I really can't complain. The only time it is a hassle is when I am in a meeting with loads of people and a 'soft-speaker' sits on my left. Then I have to "look" at what she is saying. Ooof, is that last sentence understandable?

I am presently reading Silas Marner by George Eliot in the 1800's. At one point a person goes out to sell a horse and his brother says he is gone to get the scratch to mean the money. He didn't mean it to break even though.

And, no I don't think I'd recommend the book. It is not a bad story but man, can that woman write run-on sentences. Sometimes a sentence can take up to half a page and veer to so many different subjects that you don't know what she is trying to say. Some I've had to reread several times.