adj., An obvious problem which no one will face or acknowledge. An object of mass denial.
(Sp. pato + morfo: in the shape of a duck, e.g. "if it walks like a duck ...")

adj., Blinding or blocking of sight or understanding; so charged with emotion as to render rational discussion moot. Also Brit: infidial.
(Gr. invidion: a piece of dirt in the eye)

n., Presentation of "big picture" concepts without sufficient attention to feasibility of details.
(L. per specto: to see around)

adj., With a foregone conclusion or hidden agenda built in.
(L. pro hensa: to reach around)

n., A hasty solution to a problem which brings unforeseen disastrous consequences; a failed quastic. Also pandrigous.
(Latvian. pandrigo: ambush)

adj., Clearly dangerous or threatening; intentionally threatening. Mimicking a dangerous object or condition, especially as a defense mechanism. Also viriscence.
(L. corruption of Aracauna: uwa-iri: rainbow death frog)

n., Any task, project, or responsibility which carries an overwhelming probability of failure. adj., doomed; ill-fated; gerbate. Also spuce, spuctancy.
(L. sputum: sputum)

(thanx Bill!)