i have keep out of this, but...
yes, US (american ) culture can be pervasive.. but the fact remains, if a religious person want to dress modestly, they can and do, with out any one saying boo! there are lots of religious jews and muslims, who walk through the street of ny, covered from ankle to to wrist, with there head covered. there religious communities that are cloistered, or semi-cloistered.
hey, you want to live that way, its okay by us.. there are families, (like my son's) that think TV is a bad influence, and don't have one. no one forces the culture down your throat. yeah, its there, and its out in the open, but you are free to accept or reject --or to accept as much as you want or as little as you want.

this country was started by religious fundimentalist who didn't want these kinds of freedoms, but, hey we moved on.

America has the highest percentage of the population going to church, and huge amounts of money go to religious organizations-- but no one is force to church, no one is forced to "piety" no one is forced to give money to religious organizations. if that is threatening.. if that is what earns use the title of the great satan, then there is very little we can do.

of all of the western world, we are the most free, and the most religious. freedom does not destroy religion.