There has been discussion of the Palestinians who danced in the streets and gave out candy to children. This is infuriating, and I was infuriated; but then I had to reflect on the reality of Palestinians, very many other Arabs, and Iranians. For three generations they have imbibed with their mothers' milk hatred of the Jews, Israel, America and Americans, who are the sponsors of Israel. It's reinforced all their lives long in their schools, mosques and families. Yet the vast majority of these people learn little else. Except for the privileged few, they live in squalor and ignorance worse than old-time European or Chinese peasants. They know no more of Jews, Israel, American and Americans than we know of Hottentots. Their lives are full of hate, desperation, envy of the more fortunate and even self-hatred. No wonder you can convince young men in the prime of life from this culture to voluntarily blow themselves up; they have little or nothing to lose and are told they have paradise to gain.

I heard on NPR an Israeli talking about an Arab fruitseller in Jerusalem who was dancing around the market, exulting, "Allaha be praised! The Americans are finished!" Poor deluded fool. Little does he know that we are far from being finished. On the contrary -- we are more united, more resolute to combat terrorism and terrorists, and more ready to do something about terrorism than we have ever been. So I'm prepared to be magnanimous to these deluded wretches who have been kept in poverty and ignorance by their leaders for decades. But as to their leaders? The recruiters who find bombers, the trainers, the planners?

If I were president, which thank God I am not, I would announce tomorrow that the U.S. Embassy will move next week to Jerusalem. Futher, that the U.S. will recognize Jerusalem as the permanent and undivided capitol of Israel and that the U.S. will oppose any effort to give any part of the city to any other entity. Then let's see who dances in the streets.

But here's another issue. It seems that the ignorant masses have been and are being taught that deeds like those of yesterday are pleasing to Allah and are enjoined by the Quran. I have heard from a number of Moslems that this is false and directly contrary to Islam and the Quran. If so, why are these people allowed to get away with this without contradiction? Where are the great clerics, the high-ranking mullahs, the ayatollahs, the professors at Al-Azhar who are supposed to have the last word on Islam and the interpretation of the Quran? Why are they not speaking out in the most forceful terms to denounce a perversion of Islam? I would be glad to hear from any of our board who may be Moslem about this.

Lastly, it is all very well and good for G.W. to look stern and assure the American people that those who harbor and assist terrorists will be punished the same as the perpetrators themselves. It is supposed that if it turns out to be Bin Laden, reprisal will fall on the Taliban. But it is well known that Bin Laden's wealth is in Saudi Arabia (millions) and that the Saudis forward money to him when he wants it and that they have taken no steps to sequestrate or seize his assets. If there is clear evidence that Bin Laden was behind the attack, are we going to take reprisals against the Saudis, who make funds available to him, even if it is his money? And risk having all that oil denied to us as well as to Europe and Japan? Will the Europeans and Japanese support us if (har-di-har-har) we decide the Saudis must be punished? I greatly fear that the question of reprisals will, in the end, be subject to a lot of political and economic considerations and careful analysis of what oxen will be gored. That's not how it should be.