
Let me try to marshal my thoughts a bit. The cowards are the ones who haven't the guts to openly declare war and come at you in a frontal assault for which you might prepare. Instead, they do things like plant bombs, use humans as shields, and fly planes into buildings. Cowardice on an individual level doesn't enter into the picture because these people care not one whit for their own lives let alone those of others.

The real heroes are those who fought back against such tactics, whether they were the ones on that one plane who may have stormed the cockpit to stop the hijackers or those who, knowing full well that they would not come back, walked up 80 flights of stairs carrying firefighting gear because they knew they were the only ones who COULD help. The real hero is the man who came down those sme 80 flights of the WTC carrying a paraplegic on his back. The true hero is the woman who slowed her descent of those many flights of stairs to guide a blind man to safety.

The true cowards were the Japanese leaders who perpetrated a sneak attack on Pearl Harbor at 7AM on a sleepy Sunday morning. The true cowards are those who coerce others into a suicide bombing mission against innocent men, women, and children (as well as the suicide bomber himself is a true coward). The true cowards are the Nazi bastards who herded millions of people into concrete showers then poured poison gas on their heads. The true coward is the person at work who bears false witness to your boss or who spreads baseless rumors about you.