AnnaS postulates, Ithacally, When the good brothers weren't busy tracking down examples of the Great Vowel Movement, they were recording some of the most sadistic folk tales I've ever come across.

Ooooh, yus, indeedy. I got my mitts on a book which (I'm told) was a direct translation of the aptly-named Brothers Grimm's REAL fairy tales. I thought, initially, that I was reading a de-bowdlerised ripoff of the tales. Then I read the preface. I never did get to finish the book, it was someone else's and I had to give it back. *sob*

Them Germans really know how to entertain children appropriately at bedtime. Makes Marge Simpson look like a caring mother ...

Speaking of which, does anyone remember the Sapphire and Steel TV series from twenty years ago?

The idiot also known as Capfka ...