For anyone who would like to quickly discern a word scheme for your phone number, go to: Kinda tedious in the same way as the anagram server, having to search for a string that makes sense or strikes your fancy, but fun at the same time... My prefix is UFO... hmmm. Later edit: And my work phone number is "NAPS-R-US". *That's* telling.

And while we're on the subject, before this recent explosion of area codes, I recall most if not all area codes had 0 or 1 as the middle digit ~ 212 for NYC, 206 for Seattle & Western WA, 509 for Eastern Washington, 503 for the whole of Oregon, 213 for LA, 406 for Montana... you get the idea, and I'm out of memory-based examples. The power time/rotary explanation offered for prefix logic was fascinating to me - but I'm still curious about this pattern for area codes that I perceived back in the 70s. Any rationale anyone knows of for this?