The Gilbertian character, Pooh-Bah (Lord High Everything Else) was a haughty person with a great sense of his own worth allied to an even greater sense of the unworthiness of everybody else in the world.

Cana' speak for others, Laddie, but for myself I would be happy if Old Hand or Veteran was the top designation. ( S*i*g*h* -e)
--No offense meant to anyone as we have no control over "titles" except to stop at a title we like and that shows we've been around awhile and start again with a new "name" -- Must say I am not looking forward to Carpal Tunnel -- already had that and it's no fun a'tal, a'tal.

As one Poster wrote in a PM concerning taking titles seriously : "Pooh-Bah -no. High Priestess -yes!"
Couldn't agree more.
Aloha and s to all!