I may be an old-timer (going into late 50s) but I do have a five-year-old and a three-year-old running around the house. In the movie the Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh here is an afterword which discusses Pooh's namesake. Christopher Robin, the son of A. A. Milne, was enamored of a swan in an English zoo, a black swan if I remember arightly, and I will rerun the video later to check. The swan's name was Winnipeg; the Pooh part comes from something else in his early life, which I will look up and post later. And THAT, dear friends, is TRUE TRUE TRUE.

Pooh-bah is, as Keiva stated, from the Mikado, so far as I know.

Someday, when I have arrived at the exalted state of being one here, I will invite my fellow Pooh-Bahs together, and brew a pot of tea and talk over old times. Soon thereafter we will start a new thread entitled "The rites of Pooh-bah tea."