The following comment, like BelM's original post above, ties back to the thread re "professionals". There, wwh notes, "What's a professional? I have seen in print claims that practitioners of commercial sex were the earliest."

In a conversation over what is truly the oldest profession, the doctor claimed precedence. "As early as the second book of the Bible," he noted, "God created Eve from Adam's rib -- clearly the earliest surgical procedure." The builder responded, "Yes, but in the first book of the Bible, God created the earth out of chaos -- so my profession, construction, preceded yours." The lawyer paused for dramatic effect, and then rejoined, "So who do you think created the chaos?"

BelM, that may suggest the source of the US distaste for lawyers: we just naturally are associated with chao and trouble. Which reminds me of another story ... [but I digress]
PS, if this is not a yart: a biblical "game" per the above joke: find examples of _______ was the first _________ because he/she __________.
Any takers?