This is not a food thread, it is about history, culture, and coping with primitive conditions. I doubt that many board members have ever had any, or could get it if they wanted it. I found a few things on the Internet. but I'll bet none of you can find is how it got its name. It took me over twenty years to find out.

In the first place, remember that a hundred and fifty years ago, you had no place to buy yeast. You had to rely on airborne yeast, but could not afford to have batches of precious flour become unfit to eat if mould spores took over before any yeast arrived. The 49ers carried specimens of previous dough under their armpits to keep it warm. That made sourdough, which makes a good bread. But salt rising bread is much nicer. Some say the flavour suggests that of cheese. But it also has a very nice tender texture, and the crust is not rough on your gums like sourdough. Again though, you had to depend on airborne yeast. You had to have a starter mixture that would enable a suitable airborne yeast to grow rapidly. Tomorrow I will give a few more clues.