Thanks for your posting. If you enter "cleave" in "search" above (the one in the line below AWAD talk that starts with Main Index) you will find discussion of the word cleave in a previous thread in Q&A about words.

I decided to explore the internet on the subject of cloven, in particular "cloven hoof". It's so interesting when you pick a word or phrase and throw it at a few search engines.

The definition of cloven hoof in Encarta is
cloven hoof or cloven foot noun
1. split hoof of animal: the divided hoof of such animals as cattle, sheep, and pigs. Order Artiodactyla
2. mark of Devil: an indication of the presence of the Devil, traditionally represented in Christianity with a cloven hoof
clo·ven-hoofed adjective

I also found a scientific discussion on artiodactyls in Encarta
"Artiodactyl," Microsoft® Encarta® Online Encyclopedia 2000 1997-2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

I found several discussions of how the "cloven hoof" is an important factor in Kosher foods:
“These are the animals which you are permitted to eat anything which has a completely split hoof and chews the cud, this you may eat (Leviticus 11:2-3).
"Nevertheless these ye shall not eat of them that chew the cud, or of them that divide the cloven hoof; as the camel, and the hare, and the coney: for they chew the cud, but divide not the hoof" (Deut. 14:7).
”There are two things that tell if an animal is kosher. Firstly its hooves are completely parted at the bottom to form two horny pads, and secondly if it chews the cud. Cows, sheep, goats and deer are the common animals that have both these features and so these are kosher. Pigs, whilst they do have split hooves do not chew the cud are so are not kosher, likewise camels while they chew the cud only have partially split hooves and so are also not kosher”

I also found several references to the cloven hoof from Marx and Lenin

I assume that cloven hoof refers to the "evil forces of capitalism" but it's hard to tell from the references. Any experts out there?

Another area, as in the "below the salt" discussion is music. There appears to have been a band called "Cloven Hoof" and there are lots of references to their music.

The last and by far the biggest area, I'll leave out the links, is satanism. It appears that "The Cloven Hoof" is a satanic newsletter and there are many references, some of which I'd rather delete from the "history" files of my computer!

I don't expect you'll want to look at all the links. I just thought it was an interesting example of how a few moments of curiosity about a word can lead you into lots of other areas (not all pleasant). If anyone had ever wanted to stop people acquiring knowledge (by burning books, for example) I think the battle is lost - it's all out there.