Miscellany: Did you coin a word

We have our TEd-dy award for best pun, but no award for best coinage.

We in Chicago have the Nabob of Neologism (Wizard of Word-Making, Connoisseur of Coinage). Our Mayor, Hizzoner Richard M. Daley, coins words that befuddle the fourth estate. From today's newspaper:

Daley was asked about the increased scrutiny he would face if his brother Bill had continued [Bill's] campaign for governor.
"Scrutiny? What else do you want? Do you want to take my shorts?" Mayor Daley said.
"Go scrutinize yourself!" Daley said. "I get scrootened [sic] every day, don't worry, from each and every one of you. It doesn't bother me.

In the tradition of the TEd-dy, we name an award after its finest exemplar. I therefore propose that the award for Best Coinage be christened the AWADaley, in Hizzoner.

The floor is open for nominations.