Brandon is the person who has left, and he just sent me the following correction:
"...please understand that the ill feelings of late are not the primary reason for me leaving, though it did add to the flame. Imagine, if you will, that each post that enlightens and invigorates the mind contains a lumen. The recent posting on Time was certainly a 50,000 lumen thread. And it is threads like those that have kept me in AWADtalk so long.

Unfortunately, I'm using more lumens lately to keep my monitor going than I'm getting from AWADtalk. The ratio of lumens is being far outnumbered by posts of darker colors. Yes, some of those posts have been ugly, but the inside nature of many of the jokes and the irrelevance (to language, at least) of so many posts make the lumens I do find not worth the time I must invest scrolling through posts. In a typical day, I think, we'll have 100 or 200 posts to go through. I only find 10 or so enlightening. I do find the other 190 entertaining, but when forced to make a decision, I'll entertain my baby boy instead.

Again, this is all public information if you'd like to share with others. And thanks for doing so.