okay, most of us (perhaps even all) can agree that politics and religion should be, if not left to another time and place, diverted to separate threads. maybe sports too, but I wouldn't lump sports with the other two -- maybe group it with (treading lightly here) quilting or the like.

but to try to make more rules than that about digressions (remember the discussions we've had about rules??) seems pointless. trying to be a.c. (apolitically correct) all of the time would stifle most everything. think how we've alienated diabetics with our food digressions. and the hard of hearing with musickal digressions. and the lovelorn with.... and so it goes. some of our digressions are so tasteless that they actually *do get ignored. (chiromancy anyone?)

I think the best notion to date is the one which suggested we MAKE BETTER USE OF THE SUBJECT BOX. but we're probably in too much of a hurry to post that next clever digression....