In Indonesian hari is the 24 hour period. The days of the week are: Minggu, Senin, Selasa, Rabu, Kamis, Jumaat, Sabtu . Night = malam . If you want to contrast night-time and daytime you can talk about siang hari or malam hari.

Malam Minggu means Saturday evening/night (Sunday eve). Minggu malam means Sunday evening/night.

The day is divided into pagi (sunrise till about 10 a.m.), siang (10 a.m. till 3 p.m.), and sore (about 3 p.m. till sunset). tadi means earlier today so tadi siang= this middle of the day(earlier than now) and nanti means later today so nanti siang this middle of the day(later than now). Tadi malam means last night, so it's felt to be part of today.

Other parts of the day are fajar (dawn,sunrise)(a popular boy's name), magrib (sunset), senja (dusk), lurut malam (late at night).

