USns have to bear in mind is that those of our group based in many other territories have to connect via slower, flakier and paid-for-by-the-second modems, so the click-through of redundant threads is a real issue.

I did not know that, thank you for pointing it out Mav! You have made a ticklish subject just a matter of good manners.

Proper "headlining" of our posts is often overlooked. If used and changed consistantly to reflect the content of the post it would be a great help. "Headlining" a post also tends to clarify the thinking and promotes sharper prose, said the former Editor and headline writer!
Imagine having to read a newspaper with no headlines over stories or the stories had mostly the same headline ! Daunting.

My MD has me on a new medication so if my posts are a bit squiffy....well! That's my story an' I'm stickin' to it.