Beloved people: p'raps in subsequent posts, we will find that we have gotten up on the right side of the bed.
Darlin' maverick, you are right: there is at least one baseball thread, somewhere in the bowels of Miscellany, but.
I notice that at least two of the people who have posted about baseball here are too "young" in their membership to have been around when that thread was near the top in visibility.

Merci, M. Pi, for attempting to return to the topic.

Sweet Max, I applaud your self-restraint, sir!

Lovely WO'N., I don't think he meant that it was up to you to put up the warning flag--you are not responsible for what follows your posts!

'Tis indeed aggravating, particularly if one is pressed for time, to eagerly begin reading a thread, only to find that it diverts on to something not only different, but to something that one has no interest in. However, it has been a given from the beginning of the board that posts will not stay on-topic--we're too "maverick" (ha!) a bunch for anything as tame and ordinary as that! I think that more often than not, the change of topic leads to something new and interesting enough that I am willing to consider the boring ones as something that "comes with the territory", at least in an instance like this when it just seems to happen, with no premeditation. You-all are a great bunch of folks--'scuse me, I just remembered the topic: a crowd of great folks!