guy with a bullhorn in a chair marked "Director"

I think you're on to something there, francais. Especially hearkening back to the silent film era when there was no need for silence on the set.

And how do you know to wave a flag when you don't have any idea your post is apt to trigger a digression from the topic? My Babe Ruth "Called Shot" post, which set off the baseball detour, was an honest speculation into the etymology of the phrase in question. If I hadn't slipped and said he was playin' for the Cubs, none of this dialogue would have transpired...but Yankee haters are vultures, and Cubs fans are too oversensitive should have I put up: ATTENTION: JUST IN CASE I MAKE A MISTAKE IN THIS POST ABOUT BASEBALL LORE THAT MIGHT TRIGGER OFF A FLURRY OF POSTS ON THAT SPORT I'M DECLARING A BASEBALL YART FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO DON'T CARE TO READ FURTHER DIALOGUE ABOUT THIS TOPIC, AND WHO, BY THE WAY, COULD BE CLICKED AWAY ENJOYING A WHOLE NEW THREAD BY NOW IF THEY HADN'T TAKEN THE TIME TO READ THIS COURTEOUS MESSAGE...?