Bingley--Thank you, my dear. I think you are utterly wonderful. Part of my idiolect (I have to go with Anu's spelling) now includes a sprinkling of words from other countries and languages. I have always picked up and used other peoples' expressions easily: whenever we'd come back from a trip to Tennessee in my childhood, I'd use whatever my cousin's latest slang term was, until the next time.
One of my favorite new terms now is "convo", thanks to a Zildean friend. And indeed, the very word Zildean! When writing to someone who speaks a foreign language, I often will throw a word or two of that language into a sentence.
Just this morning I wrote a query to a friend about a punctuation mark, and put çirconflex without even thinking about it: my first acquaintanceship with this mark was when I took French, and that's the name of it, to me!

tsuwm or Nicholas, is it possible to have a negative idiolect? I am thinking of my inability to say the word coin properly, and avoid speaking that word if at all possible. Can you say you have a negative idiolect, if there are certain things you never say?