I find the diversity of the English language rich and interesting. Although I react to the glitches we come across where words seem to change meaning without any obvious benefit (see discussion on momentarily) I do think that a language should evolve.

I am happy to co-exist with US English spellings as long as those in the US are happy for us to continue with our UK spellings and meanings. I am also happy to accept that in some instances (eg "gotten") US English is actually using an older form of expression. I suspect that Australians & New Zealanders and those from India, Africa the Caribbean ... and all those who have their own evolved form of English would like to keep their differences too.

I do have problems with software which makes incorrect assumptions about defaulting to US spellings (there is often a "preference" but not always) and I discover (when using other people's machines) that many people don't bother to change the settings. The trickle down effect is that we accept the -ize endings and the colors instead of colours until we don't really notice anymore. Perhaps that's how English (in all its forms) evolved to today's language.

As computers and the Internet becomes a major communication tool, isn't it likely that we will just end up taking the path of least resistance to standardise everything to American English. Most of the world already watches US television and cinema as at least part of the viewing mix, many young people in the UK, for example, watch "Friends" and can make a reasonable attempt at the accent. They might have more chance of coming across a New York accent than, say, an accent from Cornwall in the South of England or Dunedin in New Zealand.

I wonder if we shouldn't give us and call the language "American" and drop the "English".

Answers on a postcard.