I've always liked the theory that time is a purely human construct, and that in nature there is only now. Certes, as has been posited previously in this thread, time is completely subjective. We talk of the current generation as the "now" generation, incapable of planning, or at least unwilling to do so, living only for the moment. Probably every older generation has said something similar about its successor.

Yet, even though I like the idea of time being a metaphor rather than a reality, you can't help wondering if that theory holds water. Take our dog, for instance. No, please take her. She plans future actions. In the mornings she goes downstairs and waits by the door for her walk. If we look like we're not going to walk her, she has a range of actions which she carries out, not necessarily in a set sequence, to remind us of our obligations as pet owners. In fact, I'm convinced she has the number of the RSPCA and is keeping it reserve ... To plan, the planner must have a sense of time. Sure, she starts work from cues we provide, but after that, she works it through herself. She also knows when to give up. If that doesn't show a sense of time, I'm a monkey's uncle!

Okay, throw me to the lions ...

The idiot also known as Capfka ...