No, of course its not releated to 'sense 1' and as for who would eat such a snack?[ it interesting how food, once prepared as way of preserving it, can now be viewed as good in its own right. Pickles-- or sour kraut, or salt cod-- and jerky in all its forms ( some are just salted and dried, others are spiced and smoked dry) have become food that are enjoyed to some degree as much as the fresh foods they are made from.
[almost a rant]

it seems to me to be part of the same impulse that in the beheading thread, wanted to replace the term beheading with a latin term or greek term.. as if some how, giving the word game a fancier name made it "more important"

I think that if the people of the cultures that first produced beef jerky where given the option of canned meat (even something like spam), or portable refridgeration, and fresh or frozen meat, they would have abandoned jerky in a NY minute!

It is a fondness for the good old days. a kind of mythical experience. Jerky is interesting because it is a snack food-- not the only from of protein you'll see 4 months..

I am sure Dr. Bill remembers from his early training, how prevalent stomach cancer once used to be-- the most common cancer.. as refridgeration became available, stomach cancer became less and less common.. when fresh, healthfull food became the norm, the cancer all but disappeared--

We mythically harken towards the good old days that weren't really all that good-- and give word games latin and greek names-- to some how make them less like fun-- and more "scholarly" -- and so justify our playing them![/almost a rant]