When I looka ahead, all I can see is a wall with a clock. Which is quite good as I work at home and can be easily distracted. To my right is a window at half-basement level which looks up at my garden. There is vinca major variegata http://www.nats-nursery.com/gc/vgreat.htm tumbling over the low wall, like a fountain. I'm looking forward to it flowering in spring, when I will have a wall of blue flowers. There is also a fatsia japonica, holding its own against the recent short-lived snow http://www.desert-tropicals.com/Plants/Araliaceae/Fatsia_japonica.html. Less successful is a corylus avellana contorta which may not have enough space http://www.bluemts.com.au/MountTomah/weeklyplant/1999/aug99/hazel1.htm as it may be too close to a lonicera periclymenum "serotina" http://rainyside.com/features/plant_gallery/vines/honeysuckle.html and a cordyline australis http://gardens.co.nz/plantoftheweek/Cordyline.htm

In other words I can see a periwinkle, a Japanese aralia, a corkscrew hazel (Harry Lauder's walking stick) a honeysuckle and a cabbage tree from New Zealand!