August 12 will be a red letter day from now on, It is nancyk's birthday and MaxQ's sign-up anniversary on the board.

A decade from now we will be telling tales around a campfire at our 10th Wordapalloza and somebody will start with "remember that fateful day, August 12, 2001 when MaxQ threw a doozy of a tantrum? It sent Sparteye to hurriedly don her detective gears, then pore through skeins after skeins of "threads" until she came up with the cause of the tantrum. She then scurries to her piles of word books to find the answer to this confounded query that is so upsetting our MazQ and then she rides her motorized scooter back to her computer all the while praying that MaxQ doesn't hurt himself throwing this mega-tantrum around, while she scrambles to scan all the anwers that will satisfy the great tantrumming MaxQ ...It was the mother of all FIASCOS, I tell you!