I received a different game a couple of days ago, and no doubt many of you have also, as when I googled one of the unique phrases (Harlez-vous) I got 443 hits. Lots of chat boards have had the list posted. It is supposedly the winners of a competition in a New York magazine (I suggest we set our under cover NY agents on the task of determining which) to change a couple of letters in a foreign phrase and come up with a new translation. Rather than post the whole list I received (and at least some of the lists are different) I thought it might be fun to try our own, or post our own favourites from the list acquired by e-mail or from the web.
I will start with a couple to show the idea:
Harlez-vous français? - Do you ride a French motorcycle?
Veni, Vedi, Visa - I came, I saw, I shopped

My own meagre effort:
Adios Amigas - Another computer firm goes bust
Tout ày l'heure - Honk if you're a word lover
