Dear caradea (tautology of not) looking for your word "receptary" I found a bunch of contrived definitions that are mildly amusing:

PRAVITY: physical deformity ("no amount of make-up can help you
defy the Law of P.")
PREANTEPENULTIMATE: the fourth from last ("please hand me the p.
bottle from that shelf")
PREPUCE: foreskin ("the protein was painstakingly isolated from
10,000 kilo of p.")
PROLEGOMENA: preliminary remarks; long introductions ("writing
original p. to an article is quite difficult")
PROTEAN: infinitely variable ("there are indications that protein
folds are not p.")
PSILOSOPHER: superficial philosopher ("... and someone who has
limited knowledge of protein folds is a phi-psi-losopher")
PTARMIC: snot-promoting, sternutatory, errhine ("this protein
causes the p. symptoms in allergic reactions")
PURPURACEOUS: purple, purpurescent ("the heavy-metal derivative
had a deep p. colour")
PYGOPHILOUS: buttock-loving ("she's the living proof that fat is
a p. substance")
PYRIFORM: pear-shaped ("p. women get pregnant more easily than
apple-shaped ones, I read in the newspaper")
QUADRIGAMIST: someone who has married four times ("I say, is that
fellow really a q. ?")
QUAESITUM: objective; true value ("the ultimate q. is to measure
the q. of this quantity")
QUANTULUM: small quantity ("I always add a q. of BOG to my
crystallisation solutions")
QUASIHEMIDEMISEMICENTURY: one 16th of a century ("a typical PhD
takes a q.")
QUIDDITY: essence or nature of a thing ("once you've built your
skeleton, you've uncovered the q. of your protein")
QUIRE: set of folded sheets fitting one within another; collection
of 24 sheets of the same size ("the structure can best be described
as a beta-q.")
RECLIVATE: sigmoid, S-shaped ("if we plot X versus Y, we obtain
a r. curve")
RECREMENT: waste product, impurity; something secreted from the
body, then reabsorbed ("saliva is the best example of a r., for
most people anyway")
REDARGUTION: refutation ("if there doesn't exist a r. of a receptary
(unproved fact; postulate), that doesn't mean it's true")
REDDITION: translation, explanation ("could you render a r. of this
paragraph ?")
REPAND: having a wavy or undulating outline ("look how nicely r. my
mask has turned out")
RETICULUM: network ("thanks to Castor the whole bloody r. is down
RETRAD: backward ("dummy, you've traced the whole chain r. !")
RETRORSE: bent backward or downward ("two of the sheets were r.")
RETROUSSE: turned up ("two of the sheets were r.")