I once had a dog named Frito. He was a big, blond, curly-haired herding dog. When he stood on his hind legs, he was as tall as me and I taught him to dance(no tux!) His name fit him well, even though my ex's previous dog of that name was a yappy little thing of the type that I like to drop kick. He disappeared the first day of deer hunting in his third year[sad emoticon]. I also had a cat named Galadriel, her son, Bombadil, Queenie, another dog, Beorn, 2 cats named Musa (Tarahumara for cat), a group of one of the Musa's kittens-Genghis Khan, Silvester, Greystone and Tisnada (covered with soot). Another cat, Leelanau, came to an untimely end in Los Mochis, Sinaloa Mex. It seems that a no-goodnik came to town offering $1.00 per cat so that he could sell them to a company that provided cat corpses for disection. That's the story I was told. This being an agricultural town not far from an ocean port, it wasn't long before the town was overwhelmed by mice and rats. The people put out poisons to get rid of the vermin. Unfortunately, this promoted a vicious circle in that any cats or kittens brought in from the farms invariably ate a poisoned mouse or rat and died. This was the fate of poor Leelanau. My first dog was Tammy when I was 5. The next was Gypsy. She gave us 29 puppies in 14 months. She died from complications following spaying. She got her name due to going into heat and disappearing for 2 weeks as soon as we got her. Thanks for making me think about all the animal friends I have had over the years.
