Apologies - wrong topic, now posted here!
What an ingeneous lot you are. A high quality selection for you, votes to me by Thursday 2.00 pm GMT, which may allow some of you early risers in US to vote on Thursday. I am away Friday hence the early voting. I may get another round in (if I can think of a word), but then I am away for 3 weeks so I'll have to pass it over anyway.
Good luck! Rod.

1 - A fine levied by ancient Welsh courts and paid in cattle.
2 - The whip used by jockeys riding racing camels.
3 - From Arabic. A war fought merely to fight, as opposed to a jihad, which is holy.
4 - A colorful East African beetle prized as bait for fishing.
5 - A livestock pen constructed of rush- or osierwork.
6 - A group of rituals performed by a Muslim bride and groom with the help of their wedding attendants and the elders of the community.
7 - A deliberative body composed of Bedouin chieftains.
8 - An uncut and unstitched garment worn by head of households in India, counterpart of the sari worn by the matriarchs.
9 - A narrow sand bank at the outlet of a river.
10 - A tassel traditionally attached to a Bible or Koran as a built-in bookmark.
11 - A formal greeting by persons of the opposite sex.
12 - A Scottish word for frightened, alarmed.