this isn't in response to your query, WO'N, but i thought it'd be a nice segue to a question that i'd been pondering but never bothered to post on.

double entendres are an endless source of fascination for me (and aren't there a lot of names for them? amphibolous, dilogical, etc? hi, c!), so you can imagine my delight when i stumbled across the term "illocutionary" a while back, defined as "pertaining to or describing an utterance that, reflecting the speaker's emotions, conveys more or something other than its literal meaning, such as a question implying dissatisfaction".

is there another, more common, term for this common verbal phenomenon? 'sarc(h)asm' doesn't seem to describe it adequately, since it's not really as specific.

oh, and what on EARTH have you all been smoking lately? i return from a week or so away and find some of the strangest threads i've ever seen. sheesssh.