Well an american liberal is a middle of the roader in almost any other country. and an american conservative isn't as right wing as some countries..

I would tend to agree, that large media companies in US tend to be liberal.. but they also self censor.. for fear of being sued, or what ever. And there have been erosions of the first amendment. - and there are constant assaults on it (first amendment guarantees freedom of speak, communications among other things) but we still tend to have a very open press/media/communications industry.

and as I recall, as Murdoch assembled his US empire, he had to give up Aussie citizenship and become one of us– since one law we do have is we do try to keep mass media out of foreign hands.. And TV/radio frequencies franchise are limited to US citizens/companies. There are cable channels that are international– and different news organization buy time. So late Saturday night, you can catch up on the news in Japan.

We have no problems with letting in foreign press– and in NY, you can readily buy almost every major european paper, and many other countries as well, if you go to the right neighborhood– so the Irish Times is available in some areas of the Bronx, and in Queens more readily than Manhattan, and you can get Columbian news, Filipino news, hundreds of Indian newspapers.. And almost every national group has locally produced news papers and magazines.. And most major cities in US have a decent supply of foreign news paper/magazines available.. (At least Chicago, Atlanta, and Seattle, do, and it's a given that DC does.. )not to mention, internet access.

the real problems is US is so isolationist, we tend not to read international news.. and international news gets very poor coverage on TV.