In America the government doesn't control what's printed or put on TV.

No, but the conservative mega-corporations which control the media do!

Records even show that the global temperature has actually gone down in the last 30 or so years.

There's a plot outside my office which shows the opposite. There was a slight drop through the 1970's, but between 1980 and 2000 the trend is definitely upward. It also appeared to be higher than average between about 1935 and 1970, and lower than average before that (see and click on the graph).

there's no way you can prove that industry is causing any weather changes when we've only been recording weather conditions for 140 years.

No, you can't prove it, but you can come up with good models, test their predictions, discuss your findings with other scientists...waiting to see if it's really us who are causing the global warming will leave it until it's too late to fix!

"The Scientist"

You'll have to read a lot more than just one magazine if you want to convince yourself if something is true or not. Just because some more outspoken scientists have decided to state that we are not causing global warming, doesn't mean that their views are the only ones that matter. You have to consider the work and findings of many people, on both sides of the argument, before you can come to a conclusion.

I can't stand claims that have no proof.

Just be careful, by your arguments, you have no proof the other way, either!

By the way, I too had done some reading which indicated that global warming was a bit of an exaggeration, and was originally inclined to agree. Then I took a graduate course in ocean circulation modeling, in which we also talked about global warming, and I have since come around to the "we'd better be careful" side. The evidence for seems to be better than that against.