
Hmmm? 'Wehen' is a verb meaning 'to sway', but I didn't find it in the Die Zehn Gebote. Nor did I find Weh or Wehe (meaning pain or woe), which is what I thought you might have meant.
'Wehen' describes a woman's labour while giving birth too.

To swear or to curse is 'fluchen' or 'verfluchen', respectively. Or even 'verdammen' (in a more biblical vein ;-) but that isn't in there either.

Lastly (after being so little help), I do know a saying using 'wehen':

Sich den Staub von der Seele wehen lassen
To let the dust waft gently from the soul

BTW, the German (and informal English) word for 'to tote' is schleppen :-)