I've now finished 'English passengers' so, before I return it to the library, I thought I'd share with you from the book's glossary some words describing types of character, all of them viewed with disapproval.

Smooth, slippery people: creeper, click, clinker, cluke, crooil, reezagh, shliawn, slebby, sleetch.

Showy, boastful people: branchy, filosher, feroash, gizzard, grinndher, high, neck, snurly, stinky, uplifted.

Large blundering people: Bleih, bleb, dawd, flid, gaping, glashan, gogaw, gorm, hessian, kinawn, looban, ommidhan, slampy, sthahl, walloper.

Peevish people, especially small scolding women: borragh, coughty, crabby, cretchy, corodank, gob-mooar, gonnag, grangan, grinnder, grouw, huffy, mhinyag, pootchagh, scrissy, scrowl, smullagh, spiddagh, targe.

By the way, it's a fascinating book and a great read!