Alex, why do you treasure activities that overcome your inner dialogue? I am not quite sure I understand. Do you get tired of thinking?

I don't think I would enjoy being any other way - mind you it is hard to know if you have been only one way all your life.

Generally, I can be thinking several things (have several tracks) at the same time, going at a leisurely pace. When I am excited then I seem to think faster and only one thing.

I think that when you are solving a problem it helps being able to think, I guess the best word is <wide>. A solution can come with just one point but more often comes with a combination of points from different thought sources. Geez, this is so hard to explain. Am I making sense?

One thing that struck me as odd was Temple Grandin's description of her method of processing thought (Sparteye’s original post), she says… If I allow my mind to keep associating, it will wander a million miles away from the word "under," to submarines under the Antarctic and the Beatles song "Yellow Submarine." If I let my mind pause on the picture of the yellow submarine, I then hear the song. As I start humming the song and get to the part about people coming on board, my association switches to the gangway of a ship I saw in Australia.

The road from <under> to the <gangway of a ship> would make perfect sense to me. I think like that all the time and I am not autistic. My brothers always called me a free-form database because of it. I can't imagine it is all that uncommon. Anybody else??