Often transplanted NYer's see things that we all the time residents don't see (or see differently) *
No, make that transplants -- from anywhere see things differently.

I have a friend from DC, who lived in Japan for a while, when first back in US, she lived in Atlanta--I went to visit her, and both of us loved the kudzo--i understand that most southerners hate it.. (and i might well hate it, if i had to live with it..) but as visitor, i thought it beautiful.-- My friend said it reminder her of Japan.. we both had very different perspectives than natives.

(and i didn't like Atlanta much-- i am so used to a city with a vital 24 hour down town.. in atlanta-- there were plenty of wonder places-- but you had to drive to them.. and all were out side the city core (i am not sure of where the city line was.. but most clubs, etc. where in malls) it had to me a very un-city feel.).