> Strange - on my system it is ALT + 0163

Thinks: are there dialects of ASCII?

No! ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Exchange (Interchange) and is a STANDARD! Despite the 'American' it has been adopted worldwide. However, there is an exception to the rule. Certain non-American characters may be displayed using different key combinations depending on the type of computer or the Operating system. This is especially true of Unicode which incorporates Chinese characters and Kanji. Standard ASCII goes from 00-127. After that the standards are defined for the characters but the coding system is more liberal to allow more flxibility in larger computers and less stringency in smaller ones. This means that not all of your computer's memory will be taken up with useless extra characters. The reason that you had to tyep a different number to Jazzoctopus is because you had an extra few characters on your computer than he had on his. Check them out.

Try the ASCII code for 'A'. This should be 65. 'a' is 97 regrdless of the type of computer.