Wow, it looks cool! I LOVE it that Anu's picture is there!
Two--well, one--suggestion, and a personal preference.
Rather than just the basic definition of the W.A.D., I think it would be better to have everything that you see when you click on More visible immediately. I have a feeling that many people will skip this step, and thus also a great deal of enrichment. Words are so much more than their definitions; etymologies can be very interesting; and,
I love the quotes and X-bonuses.

My personal preference is about the font of the headings.
I like my letters better if they are solid, not hollow with odd colors here and there, and I especially like them to be straight, and to sit upon a level line. It makes me vaguely uneasy if they look "wobbly". (I know--that's weird, but I can't help it.)