Ahh, where shall I start?

Lee Smith, Fair and Tender Ladies, for those of us who love the slow comtemplation of the Southern voice.

John Bellairs (look in the Children's section) very fun entertainment and well written. Which reminds me, look in the kids and teens sections of libraries and bookstores. There are some wonderful authors writing for those age groups: quick reads that aren't dumbed down. (Trust me on this!) E.g. : Anna of Byzantium, Fever (about the yellow fever epidemic of 1793 in Philadelphia), Mary, Bloody Mary, The Midwife's Apprentice, Ella Enchanted, and most things by the author Avi.

Jane Austen, always

In the mystery writers' department : Tony Hillerman

Connie Willis - Passage isn't bad, however, I still think The Doomsday Book is her best.

Series by Guy Gavriel Kay, Sailing to Sarantium and Lord of Emperors. Number three is NYP.

And, my favorite travel author Bill Bryson. (His description of a cricket match from In a Sunburned Country is terrific {if you're an American who still is mystified by the game after a dear Aussie uncle's attempts to expalin the game.})