My brother subscribes to the Dilbert Newsletter, and I often find it highly amusing. Here's a sample from the latest issue:

Boss and Cow-orker Quotes

Here are some more True Quotes from pointy-haired bosses,
cow-orkers, and family members submitted by vigilant DNRC

"It's good to get a taste of someone else's moccasins!"

"It's a mute point."

"This is for your FYI..."

"We definitely don't want to nail ourselves into a corner."

"I'm not the brightest bean in the hole."

"I want quality, not quantity; but lots of it."

In one five-minute exchange, a co-worker who thinks he ought
to be my boss said, "supposubly," "expecially," "irregardless,"
"that doesn't jive," and my personal favorite,
"We have to start a brass roots movement." This was all in
the context of explaining why he deserved more management

I was once told by a co-worker, "Don't look for a gift in the
horse's mouth." This was the same person who couldn't
understand why a pot would call the "cattle" black.

There also hilarious tales of "Induhviduals" in each issue. If you want to subscribe, enter your e-mail address at