you gotta give 'em a lot 'o gas

Yeah, insel, and that could get expensive these days, huh?

Happened to hear some more of Dan's Dandy Word's tonight, so here they are for you to smile or groan by:

At the end of an interview Tim Russert came right out and asked, "What are your favorite Ratherisms?" Dan chuckled and offered a couple from his now infamous Election Night diatribe.

Bush's lead is shakier than cafeteria Jell-o.

Bush is sweeping though the South like a tornado through a trailer park.

And, when asked earlier in the interview about his now equally infamous new haircut (thanks largely to Letterman quips) Rather said, I needed a haircut, I went to the barbershop and fell asleep, and I woke up with this.

Go, Dan! Your merry Rather Gatherer signing off 'til next time!