In our kitchen (and bathroom, for that matter), the water comes out of the faucet and into the sink (the kitchen sink has two basins, though). The firefighters (not all men) attach their hoses to a fire hydrant. [hydrant tangent] My father once had a summer job painting fire hydrants for the Town. I can't imagine a duller job, but he said it was easy money. Also, in Vermont fire hydrants often have long metal poles with a "flag" on top attached to them so you can find them in the winter. Every year the fire dept. reminds everyone to shovel out their local hydrants for easy access if there is a fire.[/hydrant tangent] Protesters (much more common than rioters in Vermont) get hauled away in handcuffs (or "paddy wagons" if you are looking for the politically incorrect name for the van they get thrown in for transport to the station). There's only a shallow crawl space under our apartment, but a basement/cellar under the rest of the house (I use the terms interchangeably). Whew! Back to work!