Are my hands trembling with cold turkey or just because they're old?

"Old" hands on the "old hand"--ohmigawd! Ow, ow, ow!

Jazzo., you are well and truly out of most that was familiar to you, now, aren't you, Sweetie? Since I am a
security-craving person, I don't envy you, facing the unknown. But a great many people thrive on it, and feel that they're going "stale" without some elements of uncertainty. Whichever tendency you lean toward, you'll be fine at college. It won't take long for you to feel
"settled in"--orientation will help a lot, with that. I
will tell you that the biggest difference to me was the
"homework": very seldom was it due the next day. Rather, assignments were due days, or even weeks, after they were handed out. And there is no one to make sure you do them,
and to make sure you begin them early enough so that you don't have to stay up all night working on it for the first time, the day it is due. A lot of freshmen (and older students as well) spend so much time socializing that their
grades suffer--and there is no one, usually, to give them any real warning, until they get the failing grade. I have a feeling you will manage both aspects of college life quite well. Good luck to you.