Jazzo, I would like to add my congratulations and best wishes to those you've all ready received. I sincerely hope that your transmogrification to college student from "high school kid" will not mean that you have no time or opportunity to continue delighting us with your humour and passion.
My own experience is so wildly different from yours that I will not even consider offering it as a comparator, and most of the advice that I would give you has already been given, far better than I would have managed. There is but one thing that I would reinforce and that is the advice about early specialisation and the need to avoid it. I recommend these wise words for your consideration:
A specialist is a person who learns more and more about less and less, until in the end they know absolutely everything about nothing.

As to your personal and social life, you are the best expert to advise on that - I would just say in passing that I believe the best policy about all things in life is moderation.
Moderation in all things - including moderation!

A verse from a song my mother used to sing whilst working - (no idea of its provenance):

"Go forth, and though it be o'er stony ways,
Old Time will bring what never grief may borrow;
And sweet is Sweet - but that was yesterday
And sweet is Sweet that purchaseth tomorrow."

Good luck in college, friend Jazzo: may you walk in peace.